Success Stories

Congratulations to our interns who are now RD’s!

Check out what they are saying about RD Boot Camp

Janean G

Be Well Solutions Dietetic Internship

Test-taking strategies, practice questions, and practice exams are your BEST FRIEND. Oh, and mnemonics save the day. … RD Boot Camp is the BEST resource I have come across.

Mickenzie D

West Chester University

I was quickly impressed by the extremely helpful, engaging videos that made topics so much easier to remember & understand! I am so grateful to have come across this resource, and I would gladly recommend RD Boot Camp to other future RDs!

Kathryn G

Michigan Medicine at the University of Michigan

“RD Boot Camp was a great resource for prepping for the RD exam. The live classes were SO helpful, and I loved the entertaining videos to help solidify concepts…I highly recommend!”

Kylie M

West Chester University

RD Boot Camp was so helpful in prepping for the RD exam! …it really helped with memorization, application questions and understanding the topic in relation to questions on the test…Highly recommend to those preparing to take the RD exam!

Sharon A

Aramark internship/ West Chester University

RD Boot Camp is such a great resource to look for if you are looking for more critical thinking and situational questions to practice. I highly recommend RD Boot Camp to those who are preparing for the exam.

Amanda S

Illinois State University

I needed help with the food service calculations and the diabetes exchanges. I was not able to find another resource that explained it so perfectly… I am a visual learner so the animated videos were stellar. The other major factors that made RD Boot Camp so awesome are the mnemonics for the medication interactions & the nutrition support videos.

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Christina C

University of Connecticut

I’m so glad I chose RD Boot Camp. It was instrumental in preparing me for the exam. The videos are great, they are fun and engaging! The quizzes and practice tests are also really helpful. I relied almost exclusively on RD Boot Camp, and it got me the result I wanted — I passed!

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Alison L

Lagniappe Wellness

I absolutely attribute passing on my second try to RD Boot Camp…I found having the review videos incredibly helpful in refreshing my memory of everything I learned from my internship…I felt very confident going into my exam the second time.

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Sunshine C

Penn State University

I passed the RD exam on my first attempt! I’m grateful for the RD Boot Camp exam program’s entertaining and helpful videos and resources. It helped me stay motivated and interested in studying when I was starting to lose steam…

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Roxanne S

Keith & Associates DDI

I watched and took notes from every single video and enjoyed seeing real-life scenarios to help me learn. RD Boot Camp was very helpful… I felt unsure whether or not I would pass but I passed on my first try and was ecstatic, thank you for the helpful material!

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Danielle H

Meredith College

I passed my RD exam on the first try and I very much credit RD Boot Camp for my success! The program teaches you how to look for key words in questions and really understand what to look for in the answer. I also loved how affordable it was!

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Nalan L

U of Maryland Medical Center

I passed the RD exam on my first attempt and so much of it had to do with my tutoring sessions with Anna. With her help, I was able to hone in on the high-yield content, review practice questions, and, overall, feel confident in my knowledge and ability to pass the exam.

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Nicole Y

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

I passed my RD exam on my first try! I utilized RD Boot Camp as my main study platform for the weeks leading up to my exam date. I really loved the layout of RD Boot Camp and how each section was broken down into multiple modules. I learn best through application-based learning, and RD Boot Camp offered multiple opportunities to answer practice-questions after each module to ensure the material was being learned! Overall, would recommend this platform for anyone who plans to take the RD exam!

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Carly G

La Salle University

RD Boot Camp was one of the reasons I was able to pass the RD exam on the second try. Their tutoring services were a beneficial aspect of this study program. I also loved the weekly live sessions, every Thursday, to help review topics I was unfamiliar with and ask questions.

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Debbie C

University of Delaware

I found the self-study modules so valuable as a review to get me back to where I needed to be in order to sit for the exam and get re-registered after letting my credential lapse in 2019. Kari and her team put together a comprehensive review complete with flashcards, quizzes and exams and these prepared me so well. I highly recommend RD Boot Camp for anyone needing a review, returning to practice or taking the exam to register or re-register.

Kylie McHugh holding up her CDR Passed the RD Exam sheet

Doron V

CUNY Brooklyn College

I passed my exam on the first attempt…RD Boot Camp provided calculation videos with several scenarios that helped me have a better understanding of how to apply those calculations. The live weekly zoom calls going over practice problems in each domain is one of the best parts about RD Boot Camp. You get to work through problems with a group of your peers that are striving to achieve the same goals.

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