Watch the video and review the “Key Items to Remember” below.

The Key items to remember about Pregnancy Nutrition: Maternal Weight Gain are

  • Weight gain recommendations are based on pre-pregnancy BMI.
  • During pregnancy, it is not recommended to try to lose weight.

Review and memorize these weight gain recommendations.

Pre-pregnancy BMIWeight GainWeight Gain (carrying twins)
Underweight (<18.5)28-40 lbs (12.7-18.2 kg)50-62 lbs
Normal weight (18.5-24.9)25-35 lbs (11.4-15.9 kg)37-54 lbs
Overweight (25-29.9)15-25 lbs (6.8-11.4 kg)31-50 lbs
Obese (≥30)11-20 lbs (5.0-9.1 kg)25-42 lbs

  • Pregnancy as an adolescent increases the risk of a preterm delivery, low-birth weight newborn, infant mortality, and maternal complications during pregnancy and delivery.
  • Gaining too much weight can lead to gestational diabetes, hypertension, delivery by c-section, and a higher risk of delivering a stillbirth or a large for gestational age newborn.
  • Not gaining enough weight increases the risk of the infant being small for gestational age, preterm, or having low APGAR scores.

Please review the following chart for recommendations for weight gain and additional energy needs by trimester.

TrimesterWeight GainAdditional Energy Needs
First (Week 0 -13)No additional needsNo additional needs
Second (Week 14-26)+1 lb per week+ 350kcal/day + 25g protein
Third (Week 27-40)+ 1 lb per week+ 450 kcal/day + 25g protein

Please review the following chart explaining where the weight gain goes during pregnancy.

PartAverage Pounds
Blood volume/supply3-4
Additional fluids3-4
Amniotic fluid2-3
Fat stores (maternal)8-10